Monday, December 15

33 weeks and counting

Lots of stuff has been happening around the studio. First off I now offer Pre-made template for those that need an economical choice in web design. If there is a design that you would like to see shoot me an e-mail and let me know and I'll see what I can do! (It wont be custom and will be available for others to download, but also a great choice in saving money!) View the templates

Another great thing at the studio is that I am offering a sale on the Basic Custom E-commerce Package. 20% off + Free blog design to match! That's a $200 value!!
Not sure when this will end so order now before it's too late! View more Details

On a personal note, I am now 33 weeks pregnant. Only a few more weeks left!!
I have had a pretty mild pregnancy thus far until a couple of weekend ago I started having lower abdomen pains. I went to my doctor last Tuesday and she sent me to the hospital for an emergency ultra sound. It turns out that I might have a slight "placenta abruption" This is where the placenta tears away from the uterus and the baby doesn't get any nutrients or oxygen. If I would to abrupt more than I would have to go for an emergency c-section NOT something that I want!
So, I am on a "take it easy" regimen and I have to go in to the doc twice a week for baby monitoring. I also go back for another Sonogram to see if another doctor can tell me if I actually have the abruption or not. Will keep ya posted.

Here's to negative degree weather, hot chocolate, and healthy babies!

Thursday, December 4

Winter Wonderland!

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful! This was our street this morning around 8am. It's a bit of a change seeing how I've been in Texas for the past week and was wearing flip flops and skirts! They said we would only get around an inch...but I think we got a little more! Now, the snow is lovely to look at but horrible to drive in...especially since they didn't get the streets plowed by the time I had to go to work. So I almost had an anxiety attack while driving to work.

This week there are tours of childcare centers, websites to finish, cookies to be made, and holiday parties to go to! The holiday's are upon us!